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About Us:
What is OCA-NOVA?

Founded in 1982, the Organization of Chinese Americans of Northern Virginia (OCA-NOVA) is one of 50 chapters of the Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc., a national non-profit, 501(c)(3) non-partisan, educational and civil rights organization in Washingon, D.C. Since our inception, we have had a history of leadership and community service in Northern Virgina.

We have no political interest in, nor are we associated with any foreign government. Our membership is open to all U.S. citizens and permanents residents 18 years of age or older.

Our Mission:

  • Advocate the active participation of Chinese Americans in civic affairs at all levels.
  • Secure social justice, equal treatment and opportunities for Chinese Americans and all other Americans.
  • Eliminate prejudices, stereotypes, ignorance, and bigotry against Chinese Americans and all other Americans.
  • Promote the cultural heritage of Chinese Americans.
  • Foster positive images of Chinese and other Asian Americans.

We offer you an opportunity to...

  • Become part of a national organization dedicated to the welfare and civil rights of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States.
  • Work with other Asian Pacific American communities in taking actions on issues affecting all minorities at the national, state, and local levels.
  • Develop leadership and organizational skills.
  • Help raise funds and donations of goods and services for local social service agencies serving immigrants and for other charities.
  • Build a positive image of Chinese Americans and all Asian Pacific Americans.
  • Receive our OCA National magazine "Image" and our OCA-NOVA newsletter "The InNOVAtor".
  • Socialize and network with other OCA-NOVA members at our social and cultural events.

Benefits of OCA membership

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