Greater Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and OCAW

Proudly present a


SATURDAY, June 4, 2005


REMINDER – DON'T MISS OUT:  The Greater Washington DC and

Northern Virginia Chapters of the Organization of Chinese Americans

(OCA) and the Maryland Chapter of the Organization of Chinese

American Women (OCAW) invite you to attend the




Date: Saturday, June 4, 2005. 10:00am - 2:00pm

Place: National Education Association Building, 1201 Sixteenth

Street, NW

        (16th & M St., NW). 

Nearest Metro: Farragut North.

Time: Check-in at 10:00 am, Program starts at 10:30 am


Cost:       FREE! …Includes a buffet lunch .

Must RSVP to:


The Career Symposium, sponsored by OCA-DC, OCA-Nova, and OCAW-MD

covers topics pertinent to persons starting new careers and

individuals looking for mid-career changes. The program consists of

two concurrent tracks each with two workshops.




10:00am   Check-in

10:30am  Welcome


Morning Session (10:45am-Noon):


Workshop 1A: Public Sector – Uncle Sam Wants You!  (10:45am-Noon)

The government's need for individuals with linguistic skills is

well known, however, there are agencies at the Federal, State and

Local levels that are searching for other skills as well. At this

workshop, speakers from some of the government's most intriguing

agencies will reveal what it is they are looking for and how to

improve your chances to get selected.  


Workshop 2A: Newbie's Guide to the Working World.   (10:45am-Noon)

Now that you are about to enter the job market, what is expected of

you from your new boss? How are you going to fit in or adapt? How can

you get noticed and climb the corporate ladder? This workshop

includes speakers from Lockheed Martin, NASA, Allstate, Randstad and

AARP who can answer those questions and give you a glimpse into the

working environment.


"Birds of a Feather" Buffet Lunch informal roundtables  (Noon

– 1:15pm)

Keynote Speaker: Allen Lew, CEO, DC Sports and Entertainment



Afternoon session (1:15pm - 2:30pm):


Workshop 1B: Private Sector – The World Could Be Your Oyster.

(1:15pm - 2:30pm)

The Private Sector is hot again. Hear from invited representatives in

the Nano Tech, Wireless, Nursing, Financial, and Insurance sectors.


Workshop 2B: Picking up the Fork in the Road – Career


(1:15pm - 2:30pm)

Hear how others have done it. Individuals who successfully

transitioned to other careers: government to private sector,

technical to management, corporate to entrepreneur.


Must RSVP  to


Or mail this form  to: OCA-DC, P.O. Box 34943, Bethesda, MD 20827.


Name: _________________________________


Affiliation: ______________________________


Address: ________________________________


Phone: ________________   Fax: ____________


Email: __________________________________


For more information and to RSVP, please contact: David

<>, or Anne-Marie <>